
How does the ongoing coup in Africa affect French presence and what is the reason behind it?

The continuous coup d'états in Africa are impacting the French presence in the continent

After years of direct and indirect colonization, France is facing a series of successive coups within Africa. The French presence has become vulnerable to the armed forces of the African continent, starting from the coups in Mali and Burkina Faso, and extending to the coups in Niger and Gabon.

This reflects a historical transformation that encompasses the entire African continent. These coups are driven by internal reasons and calculations to reshape the relationship with the former colonizer. However, the reality is that these countries, along with other African nations, are seeking to move away from the era of exclusivity and polarization in their global relations towards a more diverse and pluralistic approach.

During the Russia-Africa Summit, the ruler of Burkina Faso, Ibrahim Traoré, revealed the crises with Paris and how France has been plundering the wealth of the African people.

France condemns the coup in Gabon as the “fall of another African ally”

France condemned the ousting of Gabonese President Ali Bongo Ondimba on Wednesday, marking another setback for Paris in Africa, where friendly governments are falling due to the “epidemic” of coups, according to the BBC.

Olivier Veran, the spokesperson for the French government in Paris, stated after military officers announced on television that they had toppled the government that France “condemns the ongoing military coup in Gabon.”

Veran stated that France is closely monitoring the events with “great interest” and reiterated its desire to see the election results respected, referring to the contested presidential elections that took place on Saturday in the West African state.

In Gabon, the views and policies of the new military regime remain unknown, and it is believed that Brigadier General Brice Oluguema, Chief of the Republican Guard, is leading it.

Clear French Crisis and its Origins

Sources indicate that France is currently facing major crises, particularly in terms of reading the situation. This development is surprising in the context of its historical influence in Africa, particularly among the Sahel countries. Amidst all these crises, France’s Western allies are providing necessary support in its conflicts with African nations.

The sources point out that Paris is going to face significant challenges, especially considering its import of uranium from Niger and oil from Gabon, which is a member of OPEC. Russia has simply come to reap what France has sown over decades.

In Mali, Burkina Faso, and recently Niger in the northwestern Sahel region, the new military governments have openly adopted hostile positions towards France, capitalizing on the discontent that many local residents feel towards the lingering colonial power and its continuous influence. This could also be the case in Gabon.

It’s mentioned that Macron initially failed to take a sufficiently firm stance with the coup leaders in Mali in 2020 and endorsed the military-powered change of power in Chad in 2021, opening the doors for other military powers on the continent.

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