
How to follow the night sky from your room? An astronomer offers 6 solutions 

During holidays, many people move away from the bright city lights to go camping and enjoy the dark sky filled with countless stars.

However, if weather conditions do not allow camping, how can you engage in this hobby? Astronomer Jonti Horner, Associate Professor of Astrophysics at the University of Southern Queensland, provides a roadmap in an article published on “The Conversation,” outlining how to pursue this interest from the comfort of your home, using various virtual programs, including:

  1. Stellarium: A widely-used planetarium program available for different platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux). It offers a realistic simulation of the sky, allowing users to observe stars, constellations, planets, and other celestial objects. It is user-friendly, allowing customization of observation locations and dates.
  1. SkySafari: Another comprehensive app for star gazing available on systems (Android, iOS, macOS). It provides detailed views of stars, planets, constellations, and even satellites, with various display modes, including a time-lapse feature and telescope control for certain versions.
  2. Google Sky Map: An app available on Android that uses your device’s sensors and Global Positioning System (GPS) to provide an augmented reality display of the night sky. By pointing your device towards the sky, it shows stars, constellations, and celestial objects in that direction.
  1. Star Walk: An interactive astronomy guide available on iOS and Android devices. It offers an augmented reality view of the night sky, allowing users to explore stars, constellations, and satellites by pointing their devices.
  2. Celestia: A free space simulation program available on various platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux). It enables users to explore the three-dimensional universe, allowing them to travel through space and observe planets, moons, and even distant galaxies.
  3. NASA’s Eyes on the Solar System: Developed by NASA on the web, it provides real-time simulation of the solar system. It offers interactive three-dimensional models of planets, spacecraft, and missions, allowing users to explore various space-related phenomena.

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