How to optimize the storage of your suitcase?

Large holiday departures mark the luggage storage season. Between the maximum weight imposed by the airlines and the lack of space in the car, it is better to travel light. Follow the guide to save space and time without taking the lead.
Make a list
Prepare your looks in advance and write the list of what you want to take away on a sheet. The list will allow you to skip clothes “just in case” and focus on the essentials. Guaranteed space savings! Once your list is finished, spread everything on a flat surface (bed, floor…) so you don’t forget anything.
Rolling clothes
Start by placing in the corners and against the walls of the suitcase, bulky and heavy objects (shoes, books…). Then take care of the clothes: fold them in half and roll them into small, tight tubes. You will thus gain an incredible place but, above all, you will prevent them from wrinkling! Place the least fragile pieces at the bottom of the suitcase, and place the most delicate pieces on top.
Multiply storage kits
To avoid disorder, also provide a flexible and transparent storage kit for each category of accessories: one for underwear, the other for cables and chargers, a third for makeup products… Place fragile objects (camera, bottle…) between the rolls of clothes to prevent them from breaking.
Fill empty spaces
Finally, once your luggage is almost finished, do not neglect the small empty spaces remaining, they can change everything! Put a swimsuit or a pair of gloves between two piles of clothes. Use the space inside the shoes by rolling the socks… Have a nice trip!