Middle east

Human rights violations and instability: New risks threaten fragile syrian stability

UN investigators say that human rights violations in Syria and the proliferation of side conflicts sow the seeds for more violence and extremism. despite diplomatic efforts to stabilize the situation in the country. including its reacceptance into the Arab League. Disruptions and conflicts are threatening the fragile stability in Syria.

The independent international investigation committee consisting of three members regarding Syria presented this grim outlook to the UN Human Rights Council on Friday. as reported by Voice of America.

Human rights violations

In response to the committee’s assessment, the majority of the 42 participating countries expressed deep concern about the ongoing alleged crimes against humanity and war crimes committed by all Syrian factions against the people. Paulo Pinheiro. the committee’s chair, told the council, “After almost 12 years. parties to this conflict continue to commit war crimes and violate basic human rights.”

He added, “Today, Syrian youth are fleeing the country in large numbers, leaving behind a fragmented state. a paralyzed economy, and destroyed homes. They no longer feel they have a future in their country”.

UN estimates indicate that more than 300,000 civilians have been killed since 2011. and over 12 million have been forced to leave their homes – 6.8 million within Syria and 5.4 million refugees in neighboring countries.

Escalating disruptions

Pinheiro stated that during the first half of this year. with the ongoing war. “Syrians continue to be exposed to killings, disappearances, torture. arbitrary detention, displacement. and deprivation. at the hands of other major actors controlling the country. as the Syrian government does not control a third of its territory”.

The American network added that the UN report refers to terrorist groups classified by the UN, such as Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham. the Syrian National Army opposition. and the Syrian Democratic Forces in northeast Syria. in addition to foreign militias on Syrian soil. primarily those supported by Iran. as well as Israeli attacks and other extremist militias.

Pinheiro stated, “The escalating disruptions and fighting along multiple fronts. the imminent economic collapse. and the continuous violations .and abuses of human rights make the return of Syrian refugees to their country unsafe. They also threaten the fragile stability that Syria has enjoyed for several months”.

The committee stated that some refugees who returned to Syria were subjected to detention and mistreatment by criminal gangs. It said that some were blackmailed for their release. while others were handed over to security agencies, and in some cases, individuals. including children, disappeared.

The investigators criticized the reluctance of countries to repatriate their nationals detained in the al-Hawl and al-Roj camps by the US-backed Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces.

Pinheiro said, “Their living conditions amount to cruel, inhuman. and degrading treatment, and an assault on the personal dignity of approximately 50,000 people. most of them women and children.” He added that 14 countries have repatriated more than 2,200 foreigners from these camps since the beginning of this year, including over 1,800 Iraqis.

Syrian rejection

Syria’s ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva, Haydar Ali Ahmad. rejected the committee’s report and described it as biased and full of contradictory and false information. “which is professionally disgraceful”.

He described the committee as “just a tool for incitement against the Syrian government” and called for the withdrawal of the “occupying American and Turkish forces” .as the only way to improve the situation.

He said that this “will allow the return of refugees and internally displaced persons. and the lifting of all illegal unilateral measures imposed on the country”.

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