Middle east

Ignoring international peace efforts, the Houthis continue their aggression and prepare for war

The Houthi militia, Iran’s arm in Yemen, continues its ramifications of spreading chaos, destruction and wars in light of international efforts to spread peace, security and stability in Yemen.

The militia’s refusal to establish peace in Yemen is leading to communal, financial, and economic separatism that has not occurred in Yemen’s history in the centuries north, south, east, and west.

Aggressive military movement

In the wake of the aggressive moves in Yemen, the Command Council sent a message that Houthi continues to have ramifications of instability, insecurity, chaos, and the continued plundering of the country’s wealth and wealth over the course of eight years.

Othman Majali, a council member, said in the presidential statement that the Iranian militia is conducting aggressive military actions in preparation for war and not to enter into peace, noting that Houthi sees peace as an opportunity to reactivate and reorganize his military ranks.

He added that the Houthis have a concept of peace other than the peace that the whole world is seeking, as the terrorist militia exploits calls for peace to its advantage and spread destruction, and uses the word peace contrary to the true meaning that the international community knows.

Large quantities of heavy weaponry

The terrorist militia exploits international efforts by transporting many large quantities of heavy weaponry between the front lines, recruiting children in summer centers, working at a high frequency to dig camouflaged trenches, and developing military sites and missile launchers for aggressive attacks at home and abroad, including targeting the maritime corridor.

Houthi drones have continued to target innocent people and installations, clashes and bombings in various parts of the west coast, Marib, Dhale’ and elsewhere, as well as ongoing fundraising and illicit enrichment of Houthi and his leadership.

Tightening the noose

Marzouk Al-Sayyadi, a Yemeni journalist, said that the Houthi militia continues to suffer the Yemeni people. It is the main reason behind the deterioration of the economy in the country, in addition to destabilizing the country.

“The Houthi terrorist militia, supported by Iran, deliberately provokes crises and tightens the noose around the people, sometimes by confiscating money or storing basic foodstuffs for citizens, in addition to monopolizing fuel and raising prices to blackmail Yemeni citizens,” al-Sayyadi said.

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