Arabian Gulf

In order to resolve the peace, Saudi Arabia supports the political solution in Yemen, while the Houthis escalate and continue their crimes

Saudi Arabia seeks to bring peace to Yemen and support the Yemeni people, who have suffered for years from war, poverty and crises caused by the Iranian-backed Houthi militia.

Saudi Arabia and the UAE have always declared their desire for a truce in Yemen, the aim of which is to keep the people safe, but the Houthi terrorist forces are escalating.

A six-month truce expired in Yemen on 2 October last year, after an extension stalled despite UN efforts.

New developments on the Yemeni scene

Saudi Crown Prince and Prime Minister Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, reviewing the latest developments on the Yemeni scene, affirmed his support for all efforts to reach a comprehensive political solution in Yemen under the auspices of the United Nations to achieve security, stability and development in Yemen, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

During his meeting with President of the Presidential Command Council Rashad Al-Alimi and members of the council, Prince Mohammed bin Salman reviewed the latest developments on the Yemeni scene and affirmed the Kingdom’s continued support for the Presidential Command Council, the government and the Yemeni people.

The meeting was attended by intelligence chief Khaled al-Humaidan and the kingdom’s ambassador to Yemen Mohammed al-Jaber.

At the same time, Houthi forces made a new escalation and made their way to the Yemeni fronts, in an attempt by the coup militias to “heat the field”; “Hoping to derail peace efforts, the escalation took many forms, with a series of attacks, military reinforcements sent to besieged elements, and attempted infiltrations into military positions.”

Deception, Lies, and Deception: The Houthi-Iran Approach

Yemeni political activist Waddah Attiyah said: The Houthi militia is taking the Iranian approach in the negotiations of its nuclear file, which is deceit, lies and deception, showing itself to be a victim. At the same time, it carries out daily the most heinous crimes and violates all taboos.

He added that Saudi Arabia seeks, from the first day, peace and development in Yemen, but it has been exhausted by Yemen’s issue, so its intervention has become between the hammer of the Houthis and anvil of corruption and the failure of legitimacy; The Kingdom is therefore pursuing efforts on two tracks: the path of support and the path of peace. The question remains whether peace will succeed with a group that lies as they breathe.

Omar Saif Qaid, a journalist, said Saudi Arabia always reiterates its support for stability and security in Yemen.

He added that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will continue to support international efforts to establish peace in Yemen, calling on the international community to classify the Houthi militia as a terrorist group and to boycott it and dry up its sources of funding.

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