
Intensification of attacks by Houthis in Hodeidah

The UN observer mission based in Yemen’s western coastal Hodeidah governorate has rested silent towards the increasing assaults by Houthi militias, which are frightening to drop a fragile UN-sponsored peace deal signed in 2018.

War monitors of pro-government joint Yemeni forces declared that the militias supported by Iran, launched missile raids on Tuesday that targeted an industrial complex and a number of civilian neighborhoods in Hodeidah. They also said that within eight hours, the militias violated the Stockholm Agreement 86 times, affirming that the Iran-aligned group is conducting an aggressive military escalation in Hodeidah.

Indeed, the attacks caused substantial material destruction and frightened the local peoples. Actually, it’s not the first time that the militants target the Ikhwan Thabit industrial and commercial complex.

Houthis using medium and heavy weapons, mortar shells and drones to target residential areas and farms in the Hays and al-Duraihimi regions, situated in Hodeidah’s south, in what war monitors said.

Moreover, military sources have already informed Asharq Al-Awsat that Houthis are trying to increase the combat lines and achieve advances in Hodeidah’s southern and eastern fronts. The Houthis have intensified their assaults in the Hays, al-Hok, and Tahita and al-Duraihimi districts.

Otherwise, Houthis used on Monday katyusha rockets to target al-Mandhar residential neighborhood in al-Hok, with many houses in al-Mandhar were hit or severely destructed by the assault, and at least five houses were completely damaged by the indiscriminate bombardment.

It should indicate that Houthi continuous bombardment of populated areas has produced terror around Hodeidah and forced hundreds of families to quit their houses.

In fact, the UN Mission to Support the Hodeidah Agreement (UNMHA), led by General Abhijit Guha, could denounce the recent hostilities. While, the observer mission keeps to publishing statements condemning the escalation and calling for the control.

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