Investigations Reveal Iran’s New Plans in Yemen

Preliminary investigations conducted by Yemeni coast guard forces with Iranians and Pakistanis recently apprehended near the coast of Hodeidah have uncovered Iran’s new plans in Yemen.
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Well-informed sources told Al-Muntasaf Net that investigations are ongoing with nine Iranians and three Pakistanis who were intercepted five days ago aboard a boat off the coast of Hodeidah. They were en route to areas controlled by the Iranian-backed Houthi militia. According to these sources, the detainees admitted that they had been sent from Iran to fight alongside the Houthis.
They disclosed Iranian plans currently being executed in Yemen, following the collapse of Iran’s networks in Lebanon and Syria. These plans include reinforcing Houthi-controlled areas with advanced weaponry, establishing more training camps for Yemeni and foreign fighters, including operatives affiliated with the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda.
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The detainees also confessed to having received specialized training from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) before arriving in Yemen. Their mission involved training Houthis in the use of new weapons, constructing a network of tunnels in strategic areas near the coast and Saudi borders, and establishing new Iranian military bases in various regions of Yemen.
Moreover, the investigations have uncovered alarming information regarding Iran’s ambitions in Yemen and the region. The findings confirm that Tehran is merely exploiting peace discussions regarding Yemen while preventing the Houthis from engaging in any genuine peace process at this time. The intelligence gathered indicates that Iran is seeking to expand conflicts both inside and outside Yemen to serve its interests and regional agenda.
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The sources further confirmed that investigators have obtained highly significant and sensitive information, which will be disclosed in due time. They warned against any attempt by other parties to conclude agreements or reach understandings with the Houthis under current pressures.
Finally, the sources urged the relevant authorities to heighten their military readiness and thwart Iran’s new plans in Yemen and the region. According to them, Iran is attempting to compensate for its losses in Lebanon, Syria, and elsewhere by shielding the Houthi militia from being classified as a terrorist group. At the same time, it seeks to manipulate the situation to ignite new wars in Yemen under misleading slogans and by exploiting the Palestinian cause for political gain.