Iran declares that it will not go on a buying spree arms after the expiration of the UN embargo

The foreign ministry declared in a statement on Sunday that Iran will not go on a buying spree of weapons after the expiration of the five-year United Nations arms embargo.
Tehran showed that it is now able to procure any necessary arms and equipment from any source without any legal restrictions and solely based on its defensive needs, and may also export defensive armaments based on its own policies. However, it said in the statement that Iran’s defense doctrine is premised on a strong reliance on its people and indigenous capabilities… Unconventional arms, weapons of mass destruction, and a buying spree of conventional arms have no place in Iran’s defense doctrine. The country’s deterrence stems from native knowledge and capability, as well as our people’s power and resilience.
Moreover, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif reported on Twitter: Today’s normalization of Iran’s defense cooperation with the world is a win for the cause of multilateralism and peace and security in our region.
Otherwise, the arms embargo imposed by the UN on Iran expired on Sunday although the efforts of the US to prolong it, which providing the regime the liberty to purchase military equipment.
It should be noted that the expiration of the embargo was part of the 2015 nuclear agreement among Iran, Russia, China, Germany, Britain, France, and the United States that tries to avoid Tehran from developing nuclear weapons in return for sanctions reduction.
The US launched again a snapback of all sanctions on Iran, and that after its failure to pass a decision to extend the embargo. Nevertheless, 13 out of 15 council members showed their opposition to a return of all UN sanctions on Tehran because there was no accord in the council.
Many times, the US administration has said that if the embargo fails to be prolonged, it would reinforce Iran’s capability to further arm its proxies in the region and finally destabilize the Middle East. While Washington considers that Iran’s ballistic missile program is used by the regime to enhance its influence in the region and is not for peaceful aims as Tehran alleges.
On the other hand, the Iranian regime has claimed over the years that its missile program was for peaceful purposes and for defense only and denied to even negotiate limitation the program.