
Iran executes an ethnic Baluchi man

Iran International stated that Iran executed on Saturday Javid Dehghan, who is an ethnic Baluchi man accused of belonging to a terrorist group, although appelas from the United Nations and international organizations for Tehran to stop its killing wave.

According to the report, the man with 31-year-old was executed in the Zahedan Central Prison in the Sistan-Baluchestan province. It was reported that Dhahghan was a leader of the Jaish al-Adl Sunni militant group, and was condemned for the murder two members of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps in 2015. Jaish al-Adl states that it seeks greater rights and better living conditions for ethnic minority Baluchis.

In fact, the UN human rights office had called Iran to stop hanging Dehghan and many other prisoners from minority groups just a day earlier.

Moreover, the UN human rights office related on Twitter: #Iran: We strongly condemn the series of executions – at least 28 – since mid-December, including of people from minority groups. We urge the authorities to halt the imminent execution of Javid Dehghan, to review his and other death penalty cases in line with human rights law.

Indeed, Iran that regularly receives criticism from international organization for its human rights violations against minorities and anti-regime activists, frequently denies the charges as unfounded.

It should indicate that Sistan-Baluchestan, which constitutes an Iran’s poorest province, is frequently populated by ethnic Sunni Baluchis as a smaller in the mostly-Shia country. The group protests of ethnic and religious discrimination and accuses the Iranian regime of deliberately abandoning the province because of the population’s Sunni faith.

Also, Iran executed, in December 2020, two ethnic Baluchi citizens on unclear accusations in Zahedan, in what the Europe-based rights group Baluchi Activists Campaign reported.

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