Iran Resumes Work at Shendi and Metemma Stations: A Cover for Arms Transfer or a Development Project?

Over the past decade, relations between Iran and Sudan have seen a major shift, with Iran returning to the Sudanese scene by resuming work on water projects at the Shendi and Metemma stations after more than ten years of inactivity. While the resumption of these projects seems developmental in nature, some analysts believe this move hides broader and more dangerous objectives, including providing weapons to the Sudanese army in its conflict with the Rapid Support Forces, further fueling the ongoing conflict in Sudan.
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Iran’s Supply of Weapons to Sudan under the Guise of Water Projects: While Iran is cooperating with Sudan to rehabilitate water projects, reports suggest that these projects are merely a cover for smuggling weapons to the Sudanese army. The resumption of work at these stations appears to provide a suitable channel for transferring equipment and arms, especially amidst the escalating conflict between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces. These weapons are seen as a means to strengthen the military power of the army in its battle against its main adversary, further intensifying the conflict and worsening the humanitarian situation in the country.
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Use of Media and Analysts to Cover Up Iran’s Role: Media outlets and certain influencers in Sudan and abroad have begun promoting Iran’s development projects as a return to developmental cooperation between the two countries. However, according to critics, this media campaign serves as a clever smokescreen aimed at concealing the military support that Iran is providing to the Sudanese army. Promoting these projects as economic opportunities helps divert attention from Iran’s hidden role in the conflict, especially as it attempts to present itself as a strategic ally of Sudan.
Iran’s Use of Sudan as a Hidden Force in the Arab Region: Iran has long sought to expand its influence in the Arab region through strategic alliances with countries like Sudan. By involving itself in the current Sudanese conflict, Iran aims to cement its influence and use Sudan as a base to exert power over neighboring countries. By financing and arming the Sudanese army, Iran hopes to build a strong ally capable of advancing its interests in the region, particularly by controlling key maritime routes. This influence could provide Iran with leverage over global trade, as Sudan holds a strategic position along the Red Sea.
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At first glance, the water projects at Shendi and Metemma appear to signal a return to economic cooperation between Sudan and Iran, but the reality points to deeper and more complex objectives. Iran’s support for the Sudanese army through these projects is exacerbating the conflict in Sudan and increasing the suffering of the Sudanese people. Furthermore, this cooperation is part of Iran’s broader strategy to extend its influence in the Arab region and control vital maritime passages.