
Islamist Militias Assault Participants in the Hadramout Million-Man March… Southern Leader Reveals Motivations for Supporting the Event

Several participants in the Million-Man March for Southern Identity, organized by the Transitional Council in the city of Sayoun in the Hadramout Valley, were injured by military vehicles affiliated with militias loyal to the Islah Party, the Yemeni branch of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Several residents of the Shibam district were injured while returning to their areas due to harassment and intimidation involving gunfire and violent physical assaults by military militias, resulting in varying degrees of injuries, with one of them in critical condition currently receiving treatment at the “Roya” Eye Hospital.

Additionally, the Monitoring Committee for Violations and Incidents, established by the local leadership of the Hadramout Transitional Council, condemned these brutal attacks against the peaceful crowds coming to participate in the Million-Man March.

The committee’s president called on the Director of Security and the Director of Criminal Investigation in the Hadramout Valley and Desert to arrest the assailants and take legal action against them.

In relation to the Hadramout Million-Man March, Mansour Saleh, a leader in the Southern Transitional Council, stated that the “Southern Identity” Million-Man March, which took place in Sayoun in celebration of the 61st anniversary of the October 14 Revolution, was intended “to confirm the continuity of this liberation revolution.”


He added in an interview with Sputnik yesterday that “this Million-Man March also carried a clear message to all the projects aimed at detaching Hadramout from its roots and Southern identity, affirming that it will always remain Southern in spirit and identity.” This means that today’s Million-Man March was meant to reaffirm what is already established: that Hadramout is committed to its Southern extension and is resistant to all attempts to sever it or distort the will of its people, implicitly referencing the Muslim Brotherhood‘s attempts and practices within the province.

Saleh stated: “This Million-Man March is exceptional, as it coincides with numerous conspiracies targeting the Southern Hadrami fabric and attempts to drag it into a cycle of conflicts and divisions.”

He noted that “the significant momentum witnessed at the Sayoun Million-Man March confirmed Hadramout‘s, both valley and coastal, adherence to the unifying Southern national identity and the solidarity of its people behind the desired Southern independence project, which dealt a painful blow to hostile projects against the South and its people’s aspirations to restore and build their independent Southern federal state.”

The Southern leader emphasized that “the Transitional Council supports this event out of its great commitment to ensure that Hadramout remains the backbone of the Southern project and the leader of its liberation struggle, while insisting on the unity of Hadramout and the right of its people to manage their affairs and develop their province, as this is a source of strength for the South as a whole, for there is no South without Hadramout, and no Hadramout without the South.”

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