Middle east

Israel’s Withdrawal and Gaza’s Return to Palestinian Authority: Abbas’s Vision for the Post-War Era

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas criticized Israeli plans for the administration of the Gaza Strip after the war, describing them as unacceptable, and called for Gaza to return under the control of the Palestinian Authority.

In statements to the Russian news agency Ria Novosti, Abbas said, “The administration of Gaza should be under the auspices of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the legitimate Palestinian government. We strongly oppose the Israeli plans that propose somewhat temporary solutions.”

Israeli leaders have repeatedly expressed their desire to maintain military control over Gaza in the foreseeable future, while transferring civil affairs to Palestinian authorities not affiliated with Hamas.

Yesterday, Israeli Channel 12 reported that the Palestinian Authority had provided the United States with a 101-page document detailing its plan to take control of Gaza after the war with 12,000 officials and employees.

Neither the Palestinian Authority nor the United States have commented on the Israeli channel’s report.

Abbas expressed the willingness of the Palestine Liberation Organization to join negotiations on a ceasefire in Gaza.

He stated, “This can be achieved through the development of a political solution, not through force, as is happening in the current negotiations. At the same time, we support any efforts to cease hostilities, deliver humanitarian aid, and facilitate the return of refugees to their homes.”

The Palestinian President called for a complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza and for Palestinian authorities to assume their responsibilities in the strip, as they do in the West Bank.

Since 2006, Hamas has managed the Gaza Strip, leading to internal Palestinian division.

Assassination of Haniyeh

Abbas condemned the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, the head of Hamas‘s political bureau, stating, “There is no doubt that the aim of Haniyeh’s assassination is to prolong the war and expand its scope.”

He emphasized that the assassination of Haniyeh would have a negative impact on ongoing negotiations to end the war and withdraw Israeli troops from Gaza.

Peace Negotiations

The Palestinian President also indicated that he intends to discuss the peace process with Russian President Vladimir Putin during his upcoming visit to Moscow.

He said, “We highly value Russia’s role in the Quartet of international mediators and the UN Security Council, as well as its position in support of peace according to the international legal framework. We also highly value Russia’s contribution to the internal Palestinian dialogue.”

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