
It goes back to 1992.. The disclosure of a dangerous manuscript by Khairat al-Shater

In a new episode of exposing documents of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is classified as a terrorist organization in a number of countries, Egyptian journalist Ahmed Moussa revealed a dangerous document in the handwriting of Brotherhood leader Khairat El-Shater.

The document, which Moussa unveiled during his program “On My Responsibility” on Sada Al-Balad channel, is entitled “The Empowerment Plan”. It reveals the organization’s efforts to control the reins of power since decades before the January 25, 2011 revolution.

Empowerment Plan

The document dates back to 1992, when Maj. Gen. Abdul Halim Moussa, the then Egyptian Minister of Interior, presented it after finding it on a computer belonging to the Salsabeel bureau, a computer office run by the Muslim Brotherhood, Khairat al-Shater and Hassan Malek, according to the Egyptian journalist.

According to Moussa, the document was unveiled during the opening of the Scorpion High Security Prison, built after Brotherhood leaders escaped from Tora Prison and assassinated the late President Anwar Sadat. These leaders include Essam Al-Imri, Khamis Muslim, and Mohammed Al-Aswany, before the state decided to build a maximum security prison.

The Empowerment Plan document revealed the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan to seize control of the details of the Egyptian state, carry out a coup, and arrange for the management of the state since 1992.

Moussa said: “The scheme of the Brotherhood’s infiltration into the sectors of labor, engineers, popular groups, businessmen, students and professionals was well done”, he said, adding: “In the plan, how do they control the reins of government?”

Moussa described the plan, contained in 13 handwritten papers by Khairat al-Shater, as the most dangerous document for the Muslim Brotherhood, outlining its plans to seize power and stage a coup, and how to prepare for the ability to run the country.

From planning to reality

The Muslim Brotherhood tried to translate Khairat Al-Shater’s plan into reality after she came to power following the January 25, 2011 revolution in Egypt. According to the Egyptian media outlet, the Brotherhood was able to 37 ministries and 27 governorates.

Moussa pointed to the Brotherhood’s coup against its allies after it assumed power. The group was supposed to give the al-Nour Party a share of seats and governors (2-3), to name a few.

Moussa said: “When they started the ruling plan in the black year we lived in their black days, 37 Brotherhood ministries and 27 Brotherhood provinces, the al-Nour Party could be given a seat, neither two governors nor two, but they did not do so”, he said. He expressed his surprise that the Muslim Brotherhood appointed a governor for Luxor who was convicted of terrorism and involved in the killing of tourists in Egypt’s southern province.

Moussa explained that the Brotherhood’s plan began with the grades immediately following the minister, meaning that the Brotherhood may have appointed ministers from outside the group, but all the members of these ministers were Brotherhood members, in a move aimed at taking control of the entire ministry later on.

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