
‘Jannah al-Ikhwan’… The journey out of the group

While the Muslim Brotherhood organization struggles to return to the circles of Egyptian governance, and considering the aftermath of the years during which they held power amid chaos, many questions linger in the minds of Egyptians about what is happening within the Muslim Brotherhood organization. This has opened the door for publications about the Brotherhood movement, authored by former members of the group.

Recently, the publishing house “Al-Tanweer” released a book titled “Jannah al-Ikhwan,” belonging to the category of mentioned books. The author, Egyptian writer Samah Fayez, shares his personal experience within the group and his subsequent departure from it.

The book, considered by journalist Mohamed Al-Baz as the boldest book issued about the Brotherhood during their presence in power in Egypt in the years 2012 and 2013, presents the author’s view that his perception of the world remained captive to the corruption of thought instilled in him since his recruitment as a child at the age of ten. He describes the upbringing within the Brotherhood and draws a comparison with the upbringing in military institutions, using the term “military” instead of “military institution” or “army.”

He adds, “Initially, I thought about modifying these terms, appreciating the national institution that has borne the responsibility of Egyptian national security since the time of ancient Egypt. However, at some point, I convinced myself that the book is an important historical document, a unique idea that observes how the mind of a young man raised within the Brotherhood thinks, and it shapes his awareness of their poisons. He becomes devoid of belonging to the meaning of the nation and the land, losing trust in the security and military institutions, and even losing trust in the state itself.”

Unlike most writings about the Brotherhood, the book does not reveal secrets or administrative details of the Guidance Office. Instead, it talks about the Brotherhood’s base and the youth who blindly follow the group without questioning, explaining the reasons behind this surrender by shedding light on their upbringing within the Muslim Brotherhood.

It is worth noting that the book created a stir when the publication of its episodes, which were initially published weekly in the pages of “Al-Mosawer” magazine, was halted. The episodes were later republished on the pages of “Al-Tahrir” newspaper.

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