Joint British, French, and German statement on Iran’s approach to nuclear weapons… What was stated?

In a joint statement after a meeting of the United Nations Security Council, Britain, France, and Germany accused the Iranian regime of developing and testing ballistic missiles, transferring drones to Russia, and enriching uranium up to 60%, posing a threat of Iran approaching the production of nuclear weapons and endangering world peace.
Security Council members discussed nuclear activities, missile development, and Iran’s continued deployment of weapons in violation of Resolution 2231, according to Iran International.
The Western countries, members of the nuclear agreement, in their statement, referred to evidence presented by the United Kingdom regarding Iran’s activities in “expanding missiles and missile technology to include non-governmental actors in the region and beyond,” and welcomed the acknowledgment of Antonio Guterres, the UN Secretary-General.
The statement mentioned, “Iran has transferred hundreds of drones to Russia to support Russian aggression against Ukraine, knowing that Russia uses them to target Ukrainian cities and vital infrastructure.”
Regarding the development and testing of ballistic missiles and related technologies, Britain, France, and Germany called for a “thorough study” of this issue, indicating a lifting of restrictions on Iran’s missile program.
The three countries stated, “The restrictions imposed on Iran’s missile program under Resolution 2231 were automatically lifted on October 18, despite Iran’s continued disregard for them.”
These countries also objected to Iran’s lack of cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency, stating, “Iran should never produce nuclear weapons, and it must step back from escalating nuclear tensions.”
According to the announcement by Britain, France, and Germany, the Iranian nuclear program approaching capabilities related to weapons “causes the greatest concern for international peace and security.”
In context, John Kelly, the Political Affairs Advisor at the United States Mission to the United Nations, stated in Monday’s session of the United Nations Security Council on Iran’s nuclear program that Iran’s development of drones poses a significant and increasing international threat. He added that Russia’s acquisition of hundreds of Iranian-made drones without prior approval from the Security Council and their use against Ukrainian cities and civilian infrastructure constitute a blatant violation of Security Council Resolution 2231.