Middle east

Khan Younis: When Life Becomes a Struggle for Survival

In the heart of humanitarian crises, where hope fades amidst the noise of suffering, the city of Khan Younis emerges as a symbol of resilience in the face of adversity. Under the weight of conflicts and blockade, this city finds itself in a race against time, surrounded by tragic circumstances on all sides, and life becomes a daily battle for survival.

Impending Catastrophe

In Khan Younis, located in the southern Gaza Strip, the features of the humanitarian crisis manifest in their most intense form. Relief organizations warn of an impending humanitarian catastrophe, due to a severe shortage of food, fuel, and medical supplies. The displaced, who have lost their homes and breadwinners, now face the specter of hunger, disease, and insecurity.

Last week, the city witnessed a dangerous escalation, as the Israeli army completed its encirclement, leading to intense aerial and artillery bombardments. The violent clashes between the army and Palestinian faction fighters left a bloody mark, causing numerous casualties.

The humanitarian situation in Gaza, especially in Khan Younis, is rapidly deteriorating. The European Union describes the conditions as “could not be worse,” pointing to the urgent need for humanitarian intervention. Continuous Israeli airstrikes have raised the death toll to more than 40, a number expected to rise as violence continues.

Hunger and Disease Besiege Us

Mohammed Hashem, a displaced person, says: “We live in inhumane tents amid vast pools of sewage water, hunger and disease besiege us at every step.”

Hashem adds: “The water pools have become a huge source of mosquitoes, making life impossible in the open tents on the streets. We don’t sleep at night, and in the morning, we walk between 2 and 4 kilometers just to get a bottle of drinking water.”

He continues: “Recently, after Israel’s control over the Rafah crossing through which we received meager amounts of food, water, and medicine, all of this suddenly disappeared, and the situation has become extremely dark.”

We Don’t Know Where to Go

In the same context, Mariam Khaled, a mother of three children, says: “I returned to Khan Younis to find it turned into rubble. The destruction is everywhere and the smell of death fills the streets. My house is completely destroyed.”

Mariam continues: “I lost my husband and now live with my three children in a tent in front of a stagnant water pool. We don’t know where to go and rely on the small amounts of food given to us by those around us in the tents.”

She adds: “Every day, we embark on a journey to find water and walk about 8 kilometers. Every day, Israeli forces target young people searching for water, and we are surprised to see their bodies fall in the streets.”

In this bitter reality, the question arises: what is the fate of these displaced and affected by the conflict? The answer lies in the humanitarian efforts that must come together to provide help and assistance. The world is invited today to view Khan Younis not as just a number in conflict statistics, but as a living community deserving of a dignified life.

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