
Lebanon – Will Mikati succeed in forming his short-term government? Analysts answer

A state of political turmoil is occurring in Lebanon, with the expectation of choosing the president of the country next October. Najib Mikati received a sufficient number of votes from the representatives of the Lebanese parliament to appoint him as the president of the Lebanese government during this important and difficult stage in the history of Lebanon. Mikati obtained 54 votes out of 128 deputies, in consultations conducted by President Michel Aoun.

Who will succeed Aoun?

Observers believe that Mikati, who was appointed to form the government, will find it difficult to complete his work, which will lead to a political paralysis that may hinder the reforms agreed with the International Monetary Fund to obtain new funds and aid to lift Lebanon out of the crisis. The crisis is due to the conflict over who will succeed President Michel Aoun when his term expires on October 31st.

Political unrest

Dr. Ahmad Al Ghaz, Lebanese political analyst, says: “The coming period will see new political turmoil in Lebanon, with the election of a president, and the expiration of President Aoun’s term next October. He noted that this short period may make it difficult for the prime minister to form a government because it usually takes months to form a government in Lebanon because of political bickering, which will make Mikati’s government the same in that small period”.

The Lebanese political analyst added that Lebanon is witnessing a state of economic crisis that requires urgent approval from the International Monetary Fund to revive and provide the Lebanese economy with funds to help it overcome this difficult period.

Four-month government

Dr. Muhammad Al-Raz, a Lebanese political analyst, said: “Lebanon needs a serious economic remedy at the moment, and this has not happened in light of the current political turmoil in Lebanon, and Hezbollah’s involvement in Lebanon’s affairs has greatly confounded the calculus”.

The Lebanese political analyst added that the selection of Mikati to head the government is temporary, because after the selection of the new president, a new government will be chosen, which will make the current government short-term, making it difficult to choose new faces for the tasks, as they know that their work is temporary and lasts only four months.

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