
Libya: A vote of confidence session would hold on March 8 Sirte

The Libyan parliament would hold a vote of confidence session on a new united government, led by Abdul Hamid Dbeibah, on March 8 in Sirte, south of Libya. Speaker Aguila Saleh stated that the session would be held if the 5+5 Joint Military Commission (JMC) guarantees the security of the gathering in the city.

After his gathering with Moroccan Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita, Saleh said: If that proves impossible, the session will be held in the temporary seat of parliament in Tobruk at the same date and time.

He also requested the commission for an answer, indicating that his appeal comes after revising the constitutional declaration and based on the vision of Dbeibah for the cabinet’s formation. In fact, the commission contains members of the Libyan National Army (LNA) and the Government of National Accord (GNA).

The Speaker also declared that he would decide on what’s best for the country, and if offered the vote of confidence, the government would be agreed by the elected legislative authority.

Nevertheless, the parliamentary defense and national security committee requested of its members to wait before allowing a vote of confidence after the Dbeibah’s recent controversial declarations about Turkey.

Moreover, the committee was astonished that the PM-elect approved the pacts concluded with the Turkish occupation, and accepting their presence in the country in conformity with these agreements.

It also appealed the presidency of the parliament to wait for a clear position of the Presidential Council and the government on the Turkish presence and its mercenaries.

On his part, the president of the committee Talal al-Mihoub informed Asharq Al-Awsat that the declaration was published after consulting with LNA leader Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, which indicating a possible change in his relationship with the new executive authority.

Mihoub also clarified that there is a chance to support the state’s sovereignty, indicating that the Presidential Council is responsible for its government, and must formally clarify its position. He also added: Our position will remain firm regarding the rejection of the Turkish presence above all, and therefore change is required on their part.

Previously, Dbeibah publicly applauded the ties with Turkey during his visit to the eastern region while he did not see Haftar, he said: Our ties with Turkey will be distinguished. It is our economic partner, and we support this partnership.

Dbeibah also affirmed Libya’s commitment to the maritime deal between Turkey and Libya in November 2019. It should indicate that Dbeibah was designated early this month in the UN-brokered Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF) to establish the new government.

Otherwise, the chef of the GNA delegation to the 5+5 JMC talks in Geneva, General Ahmad Abu Shahma, stated that the military commission’s role is consultative and thus it does not have the legal mandate to eliminate the foreign forces in Sirte.

In a message carried by local media, he clarified that the JMC have not the legal and security ability in securing a parliamentary session, affirming that it is up to the lawmakers to hold this session in any city they see appropriate, in coordination with the competent security authorities.

He also alerted that Sirte is remaining under the control of foreign forces and mercenaries, without the presence of any legitimate force securing the area

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