
Libyan Muslim Brotherhoods Sense Danger… Details 

Talk of armed militias leaving the Libyan capital, Tripoli, and efforts by the Government of National Unity to rid it of all signs of armed presence outside official channels, have brought the Muslim Brotherhood and their armed factions back into focus.

According to monitoring of Muslim Brotherhood media pages and institutions, they sense the danger that someone is trying to pull the rug out from under them with the aim of weakening them. Therefore, they have resumed producing media content, some of which aims to exploit religion, while others are related to the events of the February revolution that toppled the Gaddafi regime, attempting to regain control over the minds of Libyans and convince them that they are capable of reforming the system.

The Muslim Brotherhood group currently controls the government in Tripoli, along with several armed militias and key state organs, including the Central Bank of Libya, the Consultative Council, and the Libyan Audit Bureau.

Among the most important militias in Tripoli are the al-Baqara militia, closely linked to the Islamist movement, as well as the Ghniwa militia, the 444 militia, the Tripoli Revolutionaries militia, and the Nawasi militia, which includes terrorists mostly from the Libyan Fighting Group and receives direct financial support from the Central Bank of Libya, with ties to Brotherhood leader Ali al-Salabi. Additionally, there are militias in other cities such as Misrata, Bani Walid, Zintan, and Zawiya.

According to sources, the cells and militias in western Libya are divided into entities united by ideology and aiming to prevent the emergence of a national state and to fight the army, but they have slight doctrinal differences among them. According to a previous report by Gateway Africa, these militias in western Libya, especially those affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, receive funding from illegal migrant trafficking networks and human trafficking, in addition to documentary credits through which they receive millions of dollars from the Central Bank, as well as contributions paid by successive governments in Tripoli to ensure their support in wars.

The rule of law is the only environment in which the Muslim Brotherhood group can survive because if the country stabilizes and a rule of law is established, ending the scourge of arms, the situation of its members will end behind bars, with leaders being implicated in very serious corruption cases and collaboration with extremist organizations.

It should be noted that the Muslim Brotherhood undermined any agreement to end division in the country, unify state institutions, and hold elections, and were the main cause of the failure of the elections scheduled for December 2021.

The Muslim Brotherhood group supported the creation of armed groups during the February events to confront the former regime, but after the fall of the Gaddafi regime and the collapse of the army, the militias remained as they were with the support of the Muslim Brotherhood, taking control of the country by force.

The Muslim Brotherhood overturned democracy in 2014 and used militias loyal to them to carry out a dawn operation in Libya, re-establishing their dominance over Libyans and participating in political dialogue in recent years, their goal being either to profit and gain personal benefits or to hinder political processes.

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