
Lightning Kills Man Trying to Warn Children of Storm

A man in his fifties from New Jersey, USA, tragically lost his life while attempting to warn children of a similar fate.

The incident occurred on Sunday when New Jersey faced a severe storm. Patrick Despotou tried to approach a group of children to warn them about the dangerous thunderstorm.

After parking his car near the beach and noticing a group of children playing there, unaware of the approaching storm, Patrick got out and walked towards them. However, as he was walking on the sand, he was struck by lightning and died instantly.

After the lightning strike, Despotou, 59, lost consciousness. There were no lifeguards on the beach at the time, and his fiancée, who was in the car, quickly called for help. Unfortunately, once he was transported to the hospital, it was confirmed that he had passed away.

Following the release of the medical examiner’s report, which confirmed that Patrick Despotou’s death was due to the lightning strike, a police spokesperson stated that the beach was closed at the time of the incident and none of the children witnessed the fatal lightning.

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