
Losses and Crises: Somali Al-Shabaab Movement Suffers Defeats Due to Its Terrorist Crimes

International and regional support for Somalia is finally playing a pivotal role in the security confrontation against the Al-Shabaab movement, with its effects becoming apparent over the past months. This is seen through the expansion of security operations and preemptive strikes against the movement’s elements in different areas, successfully limiting their presence within vast regions of the country. Estimates indicate a strengthening of local military forces in the coming months against the terrorist movement, which is experiencing a significant operational downturn.

The Somali army continues to carry out extensive operations throughout the country, supported by American and regional forces, following a strategic plan announced several months ago. The plan aims to reduce operations and shift the confrontation to remote areas after the movement executed several operations in the heart of the capital.

A recent study from the Future Research and Advanced Studies Center reveals the likelihood of success in military and security efforts to defeat the movement, considering the recent American and regional support.

The study points out several expected scenarios reflecting current security efforts against the movement, notably the containment of Al-Shabaab. The ongoing war against the group distinguishes itself by extensive cooperation between government forces and local clan militias, enabling the Somali army to penetrate rural areas, unlike previous campaigns that primarily focused on securing cities.

Dr. Ahmed Sultan, an expert in terrorist groups, emphasizes serious international and regional movements to undermine Al-Shabaab‘s influence in Somalia. He states that the government’s greatest challenge is ensuring long-term stability in areas reclaimed from the terrorist movement.

Despite all its actions, Al-Shabaab, through its terrorist crimes, attempts to prove its presence on the scene, but in reality, it has incurred significant losses during the recent period.

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