
Melhem Barakat… Google celebrates the birthday of “The Musician of Lebanon”

Google search engine Sunday celebrated the birth of famous Lebanese composer and singer Melhem Barakat.

Melhem Barakat was pictured on Google’s homepage celebrating the Lebanese artist’s birthday, which falls on August 15.

Melhem Barakat, nicknamed “The Musician”, is one of the most famous Lebanese and Arab singers and composers. He added to contemporary Arab music in his own style and artistic performance, which combines originality, development, progress and renewal.

Born in Kfarshima, a southern suburb of Beirut, in August 1942, Melhem Barakat grew up in the city. He sang an anthem of his school and sang at school parties, family and friends. He then joined the Higher Institute of Music, studied Eastern music and played the oud.

He composed music for the great Lebanese singers, including Wadih al-Safi, Samira Tawfik and Sabah, and Majida al-Roumi. Among the most important tunes are “Al-Majwoz Allah Yazido” and “Lech Lahlaq Sahranin”, which were performed by Sabah and “I’tatzal Al Gharam” by Majida Al-Roumi.

The late singer performed in several Arab and European capitals and in the United States. He also participated in festivals including Carthage and Jerash.

Melhem Barakat died at the age of 74 in a Beirut hospital on 28 October 2016.

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