Morocco held talks between rival sides in Libya

On Monday, Morocco held talks as part of stepped-up efforts to end a decade of conflict between rival parties in Libya. According to participants, 13 representatives each from Libya’s House of Representatives (HoR) and Supreme State Council participated in the two days of talks in the northern port city of Tangier.
Since 2014, Libya has been divided between rival factions in the west, controlled by the Tripoli-based Government of National Accord (GNA), and the east, held by Khalifa Haftar’s Libyan National Army (LNA).
Indeed, the HoR is very split, with sessions taking place in parallel in the east and west. After a year-long attempt by Haftar to seize Tripoli, but finally failing, the two parties signed a formal truce deal in October, which creating new life into UN-led efforts for a political solution to the conflict.
On his part, a HoR member based in the western city of Misrata, Mohammed Raied, related that the Tangier discussions intended to deal with pending questions such as sovereign appointments to key posts.
It should be noted that last week, in Tangier, more than 120 Libyan deputies promised to end the divisions in their country, beginning by convening the elected parliament as soon as they return to their home.
This actually came after an UN-sponsored political dialogue forum in Tunis in mid-November when participants admitted to holding elections on December 24, 2021, but not on who would lead the transition period.