Muslim Brotherhood: A deep structural divide and confrontation between incompetent leaders

Internal organizational fracture hits the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood in an obvious product of a severe conflict that threatens to create structural division and trigger a difficult “confrontation” between rival leaders and angry bases.
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He has raised his level to realize unprecedented levels in an organization that is intent on hardening its internal structures and structures, and raising its members since joining it to submit to a central leadership that holds all the strings in the hands of its leadership, while imposing strict obligations on the rules not to criticize them.
However, it seems that the conflict currently raging between the organization’s wings in Turkey and Britain, and the state of internal collapse of the organization, have dropped the “criteria of severity” and broken the separation wall. The Brotherhood’s youth participated in asking dozens of questions that revealed the depth of the current crisis in the history of the terrorist group, which extends for about nine decades, as it became with two heads, or rather a head disputed between two fronts: Ibrahim Munir is the deputy guide and chargé d’affaires in London and Mahmoud Hussein is the second in Istanbul.
The Brotherhood leaders are unable to answer, the toughest questions included the truth of mediation and willingness to compromise, leaving the clinging to positions, controlling the relationship between religion and politics, and dissolving the group internally, amidst unprecedented skepticism regarding all statements and statements issued by the group and its leadership.
Terrorist prisoners:
It seems that the main issue that the questions revolve around was the prisoners sentenced for terrorism and violence. So the questions came up: “What is the addition that Munir or Hussein will make to the most important and urgent file?” Do these leaders have a plan or a desire for reconciliation? Are they willing to compromise and comply with the victor’s terms?
The questions that carried various accusations against the leaders required clear and direct answers, and the terrorist group was not accustomed to them, especially as it will expose their lies and claims over the past years against their youth bases, in return for clear statements in which Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sissi revealed the Egyptian state’s position on reconciliation with the Brotherhood.
Among the questions asked to the group in a tweet by Ahmed al-Baili, a biology lecturer: “Did Munir receive any requests or conditions from the Egyptian regime in return for any offers?
Questions about this file, which is usually traded by the terrorist group, were repeated in various forms, but it became the only concern of the fugitive Muslim Brotherhood youth and their families who are victims of the terrorist organization.
On October 5, al-Sissi said, “No reconciliation with those who want to destroy Egypt and harm its people,” referring to a reported reconciliation with the Brotherhood.
During the Egyptian Armed Forces educational seminar, al-Sissi explained: I cannot reconcile with those who want to destroy my country and harm my people and my children. But if you want to destroy, ruin and kill, how can I reconcile you?
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Although al-Sissi’s recent speech was one of the most explicit statements, the terrorist leaders and their media trumpets found no difficulty in interpreting it in terms that were not expressed in vocabulary, nor did it guide the Egyptian state in line with the Egyptians’ desire to categorically reject reconciliation with the Brotherhood.
Observers interpret the Brotherhood’s attempts to promote a political settlement as mere bogus wishes designed to wash the Brotherhood’s reputation from violent crimes and terrorism.
The Brotherhood’s Truth:
A range of bold, real-life questions also included questions such as: Is the group losing its popularity and competencies more quickly than ever? After these years, did the group benefit or harm the Egyptian revolution?
The Brotherhood does not take a clear position on what it is, from the founding days until now. It denies that it is a political party and claims to be a religious and social preacher, but it lures behind the practice of politics and the onslaught on government, with its first opportunity created by calls of chaos and instability.
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Positions and corruption:
Dual positions and corruption ranked third among Twitter’s questions. A Brotherhood youth named Omar Zaki, executive director of a public service company in Turkey, tweeted: “Is Ibrahim Munir ready to leave his post to someone more qualified?” He also wondered about the fate of those who were expelled from the group and who left it because of disagreements in recent years?”
Mohammed Mamoun, an Egyptian photographer, asked the leaders: “Do you still have the same (desire) to fight for positions while you are responsible for imprisoning people, killing people, and displacing people who were not guilty but were raised by you?
The question of abandoning the post was the most frequently asked question from the Brotherhood’s youth, including a young man named Ahmed Ali who currently resides in Malaysia. “Does Munir have any intention, desire, or willingness to apologize for his duties as acting leader?
Despite the repeated talk by the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood, the most recent of which are Ibrahim Munir and Telaat Fahmi, about their ascension to positions of humiliation of age and their denunciation of their desire to fight and split the Brotherhood’s ranks, the backstage of the scene and the leaks that have been leaked have opened the treasury of the organization’s secrets in terms of moral charges and administrative and financial corruption, to the extent that the leaders stole the funds of donations.
A tit-for-tat war of words is brewing between the group’s factions, who question each other, accusing each other and cursing each other through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and, most recently, telegram.
Dissolving the Organization:
Another group of Twitter users asked a series of questions that reflected their discovery of the international organization’s true face, and conveyed false wishes about course correction.
People expressed their desire to overcome these questions by talking about dissolving the group internally. They wondered about the ability of the current leadership to take such a decision, which is long overdue, especially since the Muslim Brotherhood has been in clinical death for years.
The Brotherhood is in a state of self-destruction as a result of the war raging at the top of the “Head of the Brotherhood” between the camps of Turkey and Britain, which affected the tattered structure of the terrorist organization.