
Narcissistic personality disorder: Characteristic symptoms and signs not to be ignored

People with narcissistic personality disorder appear selfish or haughty to people who are close to them. In fact, they engage in such behavior to compensate for a weakness in their self-esteem.

Narcissistic personality disorder complicates relationships, but treatment can help people with narcissistic personality disorder develop skills to interact socially in a healthy way. However, it is also important for people who associate with them to know how to recognize the characteristic signs of this disorder, so as not to suffer the consequences, particularly in relationships.

Narcissistic personality disorder: what does it mean?

The diagnostic help for primary care doctors site, Psychiaclic, in its file on the topic of personality disorders, indicates that narcissistic personality disorder falls into the broader category of personality disorders. Mental health experts and authors of this paper point out that in people without a personality disorder, patterns of thinking, reactions, and behaviors remain relatively consistent and stable over time. They know how to adapt to different situations. In contrast, in people with a personality disorder, behaviors, ways of thinking, and reactions become more rigid, making adaptation to a situation difficult or impossible. As a result, their behaviors pathologically disrupt their personal, professional, and social lives. The authors indicate that narcissistic personality disorder belongs to cluster B of personality disorders, that is, it is an emotional clinical form of this disorder.

Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

The diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder is still controversial. According to DSM-5, published by the American Psychiatric Association, to make a diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder, an individual must have at least five of the following characteristic findings, which occur in early adulthood and in any setting:

Have an exaggerated sense of self-worth;

Believing that you are more successful, powerful, intelligent, loving or attractive than anyone else at all times;

Living in a sense of superiority and wanting to associate only with people of a high standard;

Have an excessive need for constant admiration;

Feel that everything is owed to them;

Take advantage of others to achieve one’s own goals;

Show a lack of understanding and consideration for the feelings and needs of others;

Be arrogant or haughty in their behavior and attitude.

In the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 11th edition CIM-11 of the World Health Organization (WHO), by contrast, all personality disorders, whatever they are, are grouped under the heading of “personality disorder.” Thus, according to the WHO, there is no specific narcissistic personality disorder. This means that people with a personality disorder must meet a general set of diagnostic criteria, without qualifying them as borderline, narcissistic, or paranoid.

Characteristic findings in narcissistic personality disorder

According to the MSD Manual, in its file on narcissistic personality disorders, certain characteristic signs suggest the presence of this mental disorder in a person, beyond the symptoms mentioned above:

It demands constant and excessive admiration, and considers that it deserves special privileges and special treatment;

It wishes to be recognized as superior, even if it does not do anything in particular to justify such recognition;

It always strives to make its achievements and skills seem more important than they really are;

Criticizes and despises people whom it considers inferior;

It expects others to do what it wants without ever challenging its expectations;

Jealous of others and believing that others constantly envy them;

It is constantly boasting;

It is willing to do anything to have the best in any field — for example, the most powerful car or the best office;

She struggles with anything she considers a criticism;

They have great difficulty interacting with others and often feel offended;

Reacts with anger or contempt and continually tries to belittle others to look superior;

They lack the ability to cope with stress and change;

It shall make every effort to avoid situations in which it might fail;

She has feelings of insecurity, guilt and fear of being seen as “failed” in secret.

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