Middle east

New Failure for Brotherhood’s Security and Military Apparatuses… Details

The security and military apparatuses of the (Islah) party, “the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen,” have recorded a new failure in the city of Taiz.

In detail, unidentified gunmen kidnapped the head of the recruitment division of the Brotherhood-affiliated Taiz Axis in the Sabiha area, Lahj Governorate, while he was returning from the capital, Aden, to demand the release of detainees held by the Axis.

The Taiz Axis held an emergency meeting yesterday to discuss the repercussions of the kidnapping of the head of the recruitment division and possible ways to free him. Many participants hinted at betrayals within the Axis, especially since the kidnapped individual operates in complete secrecy.

The head of the recruitment division, Colonel Fouad Shamsan Al-Jalal, was kidnapped last Sunday in the Sabiha area by gunmen belonging to Al-Waziya while he was returning to Taiz from the temporary capital, Aden, and taken to the Al-Ahyoq area belonging to the Al-Waziya Directorate, southwest of Taiz, to demand the release of three individuals accused of human trafficking, previously arrested by the (35) armored brigade.

According to observers, Al-Jalal was monitored and tracked from his departure from Taiz until he left Aden, despite the secrecy of his movements and the lack of guards, raising questions about the kidnapping and how the gunmen managed to reach him.

Observers consider what happened to be a blow to the Taiz Axis, indicating a severe failure of the Taiz Axis intelligence services, specifically the Jabuli brigade, the fourth region, and the security apparatuses affiliated with the Brotherhood.

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