Middle east

New toll of Houthi victims from landmines

The Houthi terrorist militia seeks to inflict blood on the people of Yemen, where the terrorist militia of the Iranian regime is continuously violating the rights of the Yemeni people.

The goal is to harm the people of Yemen. The terrorist militia scatters mines all over Yemen, which destroys the people and army of Yemen in the face of the Houthi militia that seeks to control Yemen and its rejection of the UN truce demanded by Saudi Arabia and the United Nations.

The dangers of Houthi militias’ landmines have not only killed civilians, but have also extended to preventing safe movements and restricting participation in livelihood activities, including that of aid organizations.

Increased number of victims

Western media reports have reported the death toll of Houthi militia mines during the six months of truce that collapsed on 2 October, and civilian casualties from explosive remnants of war and landmines increased by almost 20 per cent compared to the previous 6 months, reaching more than 340 civilians.”

“The humanitarian community has faced physical access restrictions due to contamination risks,” the report said. “In the third quarter of 2022, 58 access restrictions were reported related to the presence of Houthi mines and unexploded ordnance.”

Yemeni observatory reveals new figures

According to the Yemen Mine Monitor, 426 civilians were killed by mines, improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and unexploded ordnance (UXOs), including 100 children and 22 women, and 568 wounded, including 216 children and 48 women.

The latest developments in the Masam project to cleanse Yemen

The King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Affairs project “Masam” recently extracted approximately 1,075 mines from Yemen during the third week of September, which were planted by Houthi militias in various governorates.

The center said 12 anti-personnel mines, 308 anti-tank mines, 751 unexploded ordnance and four improvised explosive devices (IEDs) were removed, bringing the total number of mines removed in just one month to 2,105. Since the beginning of the Masam project, 358,863 mines were randomly planted by Houthi militias in various provinces.

The MASAM Center neutralized 356,758 mines and removed 21,229 unexploded ordnance, 7,462 innovative explosive vehicles, 131,450 anti-tank mines and 5,538 anti-personnel mines.

Follow-up violence

According to Yemeni political analyst Mohammed Jumaih, the high number of Houthi militias’ landmines, most of which are children aged between 11 and 18, is evidence of the violence the terrorist militia has employed against the people of Yemen.

Jumaih added that Yemen has become the largest minefield in the world as a result of the Houthi actions, as the Houthi mines pose an increasingly grave danger to civilians throughout Yemen, and what the legitimate government is doing in cooperation with the Masam project is evidence of this. Who is the culprit against the people of Yemen, as well as the refusal of the armistice is evidence that the Houthis are a terrorist militia that aims to kill and end the people of Yemen.

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