One apple per day to avoid illness: info or intox?

Juices can also be of interest. There are interesting effects on cognition and brain aging. For example, on the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. To have this effect, it would be necessary to consume about 250 ml per day. One condition: consume “real” juices and not fruit juices sold in stores, which are processed, sweetened, and filtered. “Be careful though, a glass of apple juice is almost 30 g of sugar. So you have to be careful despite everything” adds Véronique Liesse.
An apple a day therefore keeps the doctor away in principle. It contributes to good health, or at least to reducing the risk of certain diseases. Like cardiovascular, metabolic, neurodegenerative diseases.
How to consume it?
Eat an organic apple, preferably with the skin on and uncooked. You can also grate it raw.
Add diced apples to salads.
Make real 100% organic and unfiltered apple juice which gives a rather cloudy juice.
Consuming apples in the form of vinegar. It is quite a prodigious ingredient. You can eat one to two tablespoons a day in a glass of water, for example, or even better, in a vinaigrette. This helps to better manage blood sugar and even has an antioxidant effect.
The key word, however, remains variety. Other fruits also have interesting health effects, such as red fruits, citrus fruits, pear, etc. It is therefore better to vary in spite of everything, because “the goal is not to eat the same thing every day” ends Véronique Liesse.