Paracetamol – supply problems force the authorities to take drastic measures

The sale of paracetamol is under pressure and the fear as to the good supply of the drug forces the ANSM to take measures.
The ANSM warns of the risks of a shortage of paracetamol in France due to “supply difficulties”.
The problems concern drugs in oral forms and paracetamol suppositories. “These follow production difficulties to which is added an increase in consumption in the context in particular of the 7th wave of Covid-19”, explains the national drug safety agency.
A context which obliges the ANSM to take certain measures “in order to secure the situation in town and to preserve the available stocks”.
“We have ensured the implementation of a quantitative quota by the laboratories at the level of sales to wholesalers and direct sales to pharmacies”, explains the agency.
A measure which aims to “equitably distribute supplies throughout the territory and preserve available stocks over time”. The ANSM has also decided to temporarily ban the export of these drugs by wholesale distributors.
If the risk of a future shortage therefore seems to be under control, the agency has also issued recommendations to pharmacists in order to also limit the distribution of drugs. Thus, pharmacies must avoid the sale of paracetamol in oral form and in suppository form, limit orders, reduce online sales, favor prescription dispensing and limit non-prescription purchases to two boxes.