
Political analyst… The Muslim Brotherhood project is collapsing in the Arab world

A political analyst confirmed that the Muslim Brotherhood project is collapsing in the Arab world 

The Brotherhood has lost its popularity in the Arab streets after the exposure of its false claims and resonating religious slogans, which it used as a means to deceive the people following the Arab Spring revolutions, in an attempt to seize power and pursue its terrorist schemes aimed at dominating countries for the benefit of the terrorist organization at the expense of the nations.

The failure of the terrorist group

The failure of political Islam in North Africa is attributed to the nature of these countries and their geographical composition, which does not align with “the hypocrisy of political Islam.” Especially after more than 93 years since the establishment of the Muslim Brotherhood in 1928, it became clear to all Arab peoples that they carry nothing but slogans, such as “Islam is the solution,” which, when put to the test on the ground, lost its Islamic essence and subsequently lost its ethical values. It became evident to all people the opportunism exhibited by those in charge of political Islam, and it appeared to them that they used religion to serve political agendas that do not benefit their nations, but only serve their personal interests.

The collapse of the Muslim Brotherhood project

Dr. Ibrahim Rabei, a dissident Brotherhood leader and an expert on terrorist groups, says that the downfall of the Muslim Brotherhood project began in Egypt. The Egyptians overthrew the rule of the Brotherhood in a magnificent popular revolution on June 30, and after that, the Brotherhood suffered successive defeats in Tunisia, Morocco, Mauritania, Jordan, Algeria, Kuwait, and their experiences in elections and attempts to control power or different parliaments.

The dissident Brotherhood leader added: All of these failures confirm that political Islam groups, led by the Muslim Brotherhood, have lost their appeal in exploiting the sentiments of the people with slogans of reform and combating corruption, slogans that quickly proved to be false. People in the Arab Spring countries realized that religious parties are no less corrupt than others, but they excel in their isolation from society and focus solely on the interests of their members, disregarding the interests of their nations.

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