Politicians Reveal: The Egyptian People Will Not Accept the Return of the Muslim Brotherhood
Politicians have revealed that the Egyptian people will not accept the return of the Muslim Brotherhood

Helmy al-Gazar, one of the prominent leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood. currently holds the position of the head of the group’s political bureau. He is considered the mastermind behind the organization. which has been plagued by internal conflicts. and infighting among its factions in London and Istanbul. Al-Gazar. who is 71 years old, joined the Muslim Brotherhood in the 1970s. where he worked alongside many of his generation in political activities under the umbrella of the Brotherhood. However. his rise was slow compared to his peers. Nevertheless, he now occupies the most prominent position in the Muslim Brotherhood. and all decisions of the group are referred to him.
Al-Gazar has been accused in several violence-related cases after June 30, 2013. However, he was released and fled to several foreign countries to find refuge. He was accused in a case of incitement to violence. known in the media as the “Saraya” case (a popular district in western Cairo near Nahda Square. which witnessed violent clashes between security forces and the group’s supporters one day after the removal of Morsi). He was released after serving the legal period of pretrial detention.
Al-Gazar’s return
While serving as a member of the group’s Shura Council. Al-Gazar led attempts to stage a coup within the group. specifically targeting Gamal Hashmat, while he was in Sudan. He hosted a meeting at his house for former parliamentary. deputies of the Brotherhood in the former People’s Assembly. with the aim of planning a coup against Gamal Hashmat. the presumed speaker of the parliament formed by. Brotherhood deputies outside Egypt.
In a new appearance .and an attempt at continuous deception, the head of the Muslim Brotherhood‘s political bureau called for extending his hand to Egyptian national forces indicating that societal reconciliation is the starting point for overcoming all the challenges facing Egypt.
Al-Gazar stated that refraining from power struggle is an authentic part of their vision, not a temporary political maneuver, and that they are opening a new page for dialogue with everyone to end the crisis of detainees and their families. He expressed admiration for Ahmed Tantawi, a potential candidate in the presidential elections, which Egyptian political forces considered an announcement that “Tantawi” is the Brotherhood’s candidate.
The Muslim Brotherhood’s plans
Hisham Abdel Aziz, the president of the Reform and Renaissance Party. considered that the position of the Egyptian people. and national forces towards the Muslim Brotherhood is clear. They are seen as similar to fascism and Nazism. and their return to the scene cannot be allowed, as the constitution stipulates. He added “Al-Gazar speaks softly. and then we discover the secret organization and its goal of overturning and dismantling the Egyptian state for foreign purposes. However, this era has ended. and the facts are clear enough.” emphasizing that there is no way for the Muslim Brotherhood to return to the scene in. any form or capacity.
He affirmed that there is popular consensus on rejecting the return of the Muslim Brotherhood to the political scene. in all its forms, and the presence of any candidate who contradicts this popular consensus represents a departure from the national will. He stated that the Egyptian people will not accept this stance. which the potential presidential candidate Ahmed Tantawi has taken from the Muslim Brotherhood. The welcoming attitude he expressed regarding his election campaign is not acceptable to anyone. and constitutes a crime against the nation.
The Muslim Brotherhood attempts to harm the Egyptian state through incitement against the government
They will not accept their return
Redha Saqr, the president of the Union Party. denounced the mutual welcoming between the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood .and Ahmed Tantawi, a potential candidate in the presidential elections. He pointed out that. the Muslim Brotherhood’s official support for Ahmed Tantawi in the upcoming presidential elections confirms that he is the Brotherhood’s candidate.
Saqr further emphasized that neither the Egyptian people nor national forces will accept placing their hands in the hands of a group that has stained its hands with the blood of Egyptians. and committed crimes against humanity. He stated that anyone who does so or accepts it is a traitor to the homeland and commits a crime against it.