
Rapid Support Forces Face Organized Cyber Attacks on Their Websites 

The Rapid Support Forces have confirmed the breach of their official Facebook page, warning of attempts to tarnish their image

The Rapid Support Forces revealed an organized cyber war aimed at erasing their identity and messages from the virtual world. The conflict between the Rapid Support Forces, the Sudanese Army, and their supporting factions has evolved beyond just armed warfare to include media, cyber, and propaganda warfare. In a statement on Friday, the Rapid Support Forces stated, “Our organization is currently facing a significant challenge – a coordinated attack by a group determined to erase our identity from the digital world. It’s disheartening to witness such acts, but I want to assure you that our determination remains steadfast, and our resolve is stronger than ever.” 

They added, “We understand that challenges like these can test our patience and faith. However, let’s remember that it’s precisely in times like these that our strength has proven itself. We will rebuild, strengthen, and emerge even stronger.” The Rapid Support Forces are actively working to regain their online presence, stating, “Attempts to erase us will only amplify our voice and reaffirm our importance. Our dedicated team is tirelessly working to restore our digital presence and taking all measures to secure our platform against future attacks.” 

The official Facebook page of the Rapid Support Forces was compromised, with the statement, “Our online presence is of utmost importance, especially on Facebook. Our official page has recently experienced a breach, and we want to ensure you receive accurate information and guidance moving forward.” They warned against using their platforms for deception and distorting their elements, stating, “We have learned that rumors and misleading information may be circulating due to this unfortunate incident. We want to clarify that our official Facebook page is the only reliable source of information about our organization. 

At this time, we have no other active pages on Facebook.” The conflict in Sudan is not limited to military matters; it’s also a war of media and information, heavily utilizing social media to influence public opinion and even smear opponents. 

The Rapid Support Forces have repeatedly cautioned against attempts to tarnish their image and link them to crimes against civilians, including allegations of sexual violations. They’ve highlighted their coordination with the United Nations to address these violations and expose the perpetrators. Intense clashes have resumed between the Sudanese Army and the Rapid Support Forces in various areas, causing significant humanitarian challenges. 

The situation remains volatile in various cities, with reports of heavy artillery shelling, military aircraft, and ongoing fighting. In the city of Nyala, the capital of South Darfur, clashes have renewed, resulting in casualties. 

According to Darfur24, clashes led to the deaths of three women and injuries to six others due to the impact of four shells in the Dreib neighborhood on the eastern side of the city. Since the conflict erupted between the two parties on April 15th, nearly 200 people have been killed in Nyala, and about a thousand have been injured. Residents from most residential areas within the city have been displaced to the southern neighborhoods due to the ongoing confrontations.

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