
The Muslim Brotherhood and Houthis Expose Their Connection to Al-Qaeda… How? 

Despite the frequent data and confirmations about the shared interests linking the axis of evil and terrorism in Yemen, coverage by activists affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood and media outlets associated with the terrorist Houthi militias has highlighted their suspicious ties to terrorist groups and organizations. These connections are centered around protecting terrorism and targeting the south.

Following the attack on the Security Belt convoy in Abyan province by Al-Qaeda, which resulted in the death of Commander Abdul Latif Al-Sayyed and several of his associates, Brotherhood activists and Houthi-affiliated media celebrated the attack in a tone of mockery and triumph. This was evident in a post by Tawakkol Karman, a Brotherhood activist based in Turkey, who falsely claimed that the martyr Abdul Latif Al-Sayyed was associated with Al-Qaeda and that his fellow Al-Qaeda members were responsible for his assassination. This same media strategy was adopted by Houthi-affiliated news sites, including the site “26 September,” which framed the incident similarly.

The same Houthi-affiliated media also attempted to portray the targeting as internal conflicts within the southern forces, despite clear indications that the planning and execution bore the signature of Al-Qaeda. This was exemplified in the hastiness of Balqis Al-Harizi’s comments as she attempted to link the incident to the United Arab Emirates, known for its support of military operations against extremist organizations in Abyan.

Later on, the US Embassy in Yemen expressed its deepest condolences on Twitter and reaffirmed the United States’ commitment to supporting Yemen in its fight against terrorism and extremism.

Political observers see the media coordination between Brotherhood activists and Houthi media outlets as evidence of the Brotherhood’s and Houthis’ connection to Al-Qaeda and extremist organizations. This coordination underscores their shared interests in targeting the Southern Transitional Council both militarily and through media campaigns.

Earlier reports by the media have confirmed that both the Brotherhood and the Houthis in Yemen rely on Al-Qaeda to create chaos, carry out terrorist acts, and assassinate anyone who stands in opposition to their suspicious agenda, which serves the interests of their regional backers.

The Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda share many ideological and doctrinal aspects, and their common goals with the Houthi militias (an Iranian proxy) include fighting shared enemies that oppose their interests and seeking to control strategic areas that support their wars against their adversaries.

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