
Rent a car abroad: 14 traps and tricks for a serene holiday

Contradictory state of affairs, failure to send quotes in case of repairs, invalid bank card, scratch, application fee for a PV… Disputes with car rental companies abroad before, during and after the contract are frequent. At the end of the lease, the security is generally taken directly from the bank account of the signatory of the check by means of the security deposit. They are usually very high: €1,500 on average. A note you rarely pay with pleasure…

What to check before booking?

The country’s security state and its regulations. This makes it possible to assess the consistency between the initial desire and the feasibility of the project. Among the questions to be asked: what is the level of security in the country? Is it common to travel with a rental vehicle? What are the road safety rules and local road regulations (speed, alcohol, equipment…)? At what age can you drive (most of the time, it’s 21 and a half years old, but car rental companies overcharge drivers under 25)?

The list of necessary documents: an identity document (identity card in Europe and passport elsewhere), a driving license (French within the European Union; elsewhere, an international license, free and valid for 3 years, is to be requested from the consulate of the country visited. It can take several weeks…) and the credit card that was used for the payment (premium if possible).

The guarantees offered by his credit card: in most premium credit cards (gold, silver, black), travel insurance is included. Check with your banker to verify your rights in this area. You may also have taken out insurance that you are not aware of. Taking stock will allow you to assess the need to take out additional vehicle insurance and which one to choose.

Traps to avoid at the time of booking

Book your vehicle at a local site or through a private at least expensive. It’s often a cheaper solution, but it can become a nightmare if you run into a problem on the spot. If you prefer to play it safe, bet on the reliability of the international companies you know.

Book without taking the time to read the details of the contract. Take the time to read everything, even the little lines and especially if the site is not in French. Check the included options, insurance and deductibles. For example: the second driver often pays; the limited mileage; the age required for the driver varies; taxes and surcharges in certain destinations (Reunion, Canada, Israel, Portugal…)… In the case of a road trip, also check if you have the right to leave the country’s borders and if you need a visa.

Choose a vehicle at random. Prefer a vehicle adapted to the type of your trips. A 4×4 if you take a road-trip in the desert is useful; a city dweller is enough for a road-trip on paved roads. This will limit the risks of breakdown, accident and any additional costs associated with upgrading.

Take out the cheapest insurance. Behind low-cost insurance, there are sometimes surprises like a very high deductible and a very limited utility. Again, look carefully at all the contracts you sign up for.

Pay with any bank card if you have several within your household/group of friends. Instead, check which one has the best guarantees.

3 things to know about the credit card that pays for the rental

The first thing to know is to book with a credit card rather than a debit card. With a debit card, even with a pre-reservation, some foreign rental agencies will not agree to give you the keys of the vehicle without subscribing to additional insurance. If you have a credit card, book with. Otherwise, opt for the most premium you have. Gold, silver and black cards are generally accepted.

Second thing: pay with the most premium credit card you have (Gold, Platinum, Gold…). This type of card allows you to benefit from special travel guarantees (franchises, theft, damage, costs of file or immobilization, civil liability…).

Finally, if you are paying for the rental from France, when paying and choosing the payment acceptance body, do not forget to check the box “Visa” or “MasterCard” rather than “CB / Credit Card”. This is what will allow you to benefit from the guarantees related to your credit card in case of a problem.

When you get behind the wheel

To get behind the wheel, here are five final tips to consider:

Ask all your questions to the renter and check that you have his contact details to contact him during your trip

Verify that you have finding documents available

Make an inventory of the mentioned administrative and identity documents (identity document, license, bank card…)

Take photos of the vehicle and note the slightest scratch at the time of the inventory (and redo at the restitution) and the fuel level. Do not forget to return it with the same level or, if not, with the full tank. If applicable, you may be asked to overcharge the usual fuel rate.

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