
Return of a Book to the Library After 81 Years of Borrowing

Many borrow books to read in their homes, on the basis that they return them in a week or even months in some cases, but a book in the United States stayed a record time away from its “original shelves,” having been returned 81 years later.

According to United Press International, library staff in Washington state were surprised to return a book that had been out of the bookshelves for more than 8 decades.

The staff of the Aberdeen Timberland Library found themselves in a rare situation, and a book that was supposed to have been returned to them on 30 March 1942 was returned.

The book kept a card indicating the date of return that its borrower did not abide by, like many who borrow books and do not return them.

The book returned to the library is of a historical nature and was written by Charles Nordoff and James Norman.

The person who returned the book said that he found the author in the family closet, while the librarians noticed a phrase that entered the cover: “I will not read this book and if they pay me money”.

If a two-year delay fine is applied to the day, as defined in 1942, the total fine would reach $484, the library said.

But the library said it invites anyone who has a secondhand book to return it on time, saying the person in arrears will not have to pay a fine.

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