
Risk of Vision Loss: A New Health Concern Prevents Kissing Babies

When parents are advised against kissing young children to protect their health, the primary concern is often the transmission of respiratory infections from adults.

However, a rare case in the UK has introduced a new risk: the potential transmission of the herpes virus from infected adults’ lips to highly sensitive areas in children, such as the eyes.

This virus is commonly associated with oral and facial infections, such as cold sores or herpes sores around the mouth. It is typically spread through direct skin contact with an infected person or contaminated surfaces like towels or personal items. There is no permanent cure, but antiviral medications such as acyclovir or famciclovir can help manage symptoms and reduce the frequency of outbreaks.

Joan, a British child, faces the risk of losing his left eye after contracting herpes, which led to blisters and a 4mm hole in his cornea, the transparent front layer of the eye.

Through the Daily Mail, Joan’s mother issued a strong warning to parents, urging them to prevent relatives and friends from kissing their babies after the virus caused her child to lose vision in his left eye.

Dr. Ibrahim Metwally, an immunology consultant at Egypt’s Ministry of Health, told Al-Ain News that this warning should be taken seriously due to the underdeveloped immune system in infants.

He explained that while the immune system begins developing during pregnancy, it is not fully mature at birth. Babies require time to produce different immune cells (such as T cells and B cells) that play a crucial role in fighting infections. Additionally, young children do not generate antibodies as efficiently as adults, making them more vulnerable to infections.

He added that while respiratory viruses like influenza, the common cold, and RSV are commonly transmitted through kissing, herpes infections, though rare, can be extremely dangerous, affecting the eyes or even the brain, as seen in Joan’s case.

Despite doctors’ efforts to contain the infection, herpes caused significant damage to Joan’s cornea, resulting in a complete loss of sensation in his eye.

Michelle emphasized the importance of raising awareness: “I had heard this warning before but never took it seriously. I thought, ‘What’s the worst that could happen?’ But I was completely wrong.”

Why Avoid Kissing Newborns?

Several medical reasons justify the need to avoid kissing babies, particularly due to infection risks.

Infection Risks

  • Weak immune system: Newborns have an immature immune system, making them highly susceptible to infections.
  • Disease transmission: Viruses like herpes, CMV, influenza, and colds can spread through kissing, leading to severe health complications.
  • Serious infections: These viruses can cause meningitis, pneumonia, or even sepsis.

Tips to Protect Babies

✔ Avoid kissing their face – opt for kisses on their feet or the back of their head.
✔ Wash your hands thoroughly before touching a baby.
✔ Wear a mask if you have an active infection.

Psychologists’ Opinions

🔹 Diverse perspectives: Some psychologists believe kissing on the lips may create confusing emotional bonds.
🔹 Emphasizing consent: Children should be encouraged to express their comfort with physical affection, especially as they grow older.

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