
Sánchez: “The Moroccan initiative is the most serious basis for solving the Sahara conflict”

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has expressed his country’s support for the autonomy initiative presented by the Kingdom of Morocco to resolve the artificial conflict in the Sahara region.

This came during the Spanish official’s reading of a joint statement by his country and the Kingdom of Morocco at a press conference in Rabat, following bilateral consultations with Morocco’s King Mohammed VI.

Sánchez said that Spain considers that the Moroccan autonomy initiative presented by Morocco in 2007 is the most serious, realistic and credible basis for resolving this conflict.

The Spanish official stressed that his country recognizes the importance of the Sahara issue for Morocco and the serious and credible efforts of Morocco within the framework of the United Nations to find a mutually agreed solution.

In this context, the joint statement added, Spain considers the Moroccan autonomy initiative presented by Morocco in 2007 as the most serious, realistic and credible basis for the resolution of this conflict.

On this basis, the permanent and ambitious road map that the two countries intend to develop includes this Spanish position.

The visit of the Spanish Prime Minister to Morocco, added the joint statement, is an important moment to strengthen the road map and to identify priorities for the next high-level meeting, to be held before the end of this year.

On Thursday, King Mohammed VI received, at the Royal Palace in Rabat, Pedro Sánchez, President of the Spanish Government, who, at the invitation of the King, is visiting Morocco.

In an earlier statement, the Royal Court of Morocco, said that the visit comes within the framework of a new phase of partnership between the Kingdom of Morocco and Spain.

He pointed out that this reception comes as an extension of the phone talks that took place on March 31 between King Mohammed VI and the Spanish Prime Minister.

It embodies the letter Sanchez sent on 14 March to the King, in which the Spanish government committed itself to inaugurating a new phase in relations between the two kingdoms, based on transparency and mutual respect.

This new dynamic also seeks to echo the call made by King Mohammed VI in his speech on 20 August 2021 to usher in a new and unprecedented phase in relations between the two countries.

During the meeting, Sánchez reiterated Spain’s position on the Sahara issue, considering the Moroccan autonomy initiative as the most serious, realistic and credible basis for settling the dispute, the statement highlights.

The King and the Spanish Prime Minister also reaffirmed the will to open a new stage in relations between the two countries, based on mutual respect, mutual trust, permanent consultation and frank and sincere cooperation.

Within this framework, it was agreed to activate concrete activities within the framework of a road map covering all sectors of the partnership, covering all issues of common concern.

On the other hand, the reception given to the Spanish Prime Minister was an opportunity to review various areas of common interest in their political, economic, security and cultural aspects.

The talks also touched on regional and international issues.

The audience was attended by Minister of Foreign Affairs, the European Union and Cooperation, José Manuel Abascal, and the Ambassador of Spain in Rabat, Ricardo Diez-Hochleitner.

For the Moroccan side, King Mohammed VI’s Advisor Fouad Ali El Himma, Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Abroad Nasser Bourita, and Morocco’s Ambassador in Madrid Karima Benyaich, said the statement.

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