Saudi Arabia’s Prince Turki alerts from repeating the same mistakes about the Iran nuclear agreement

On Tuesday, Saudi Arabia’s former intelligence chief Prince, Turki Al-Faisal, warned Washington of repeating the same mistakes committed in the context of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).
Prince Turki stated during the 29th Annual Arab-US Policymakers Conference that Mr. President-elect [Joe Biden], do not repeat the mistakes and shortcomings of the first deal. Any non-comprehensive deal will not achieve lasting peace and security in our region.
Indeed, Biden was Obama’s VP; he has already shown his enthusiasm and intention to re-enter the JCPOA strongly criticized and removed by the President Donald Trump.
Prince Turki also said: Iranian disruptive regional behavior in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia, by attacking directly and indirectly the oil installations is as much of a threat as is its nuclear program.
Prince Turki proposed that any new agreement should include all matters of concern, and this means Washington’s friends and allies require to be part of potential negotiations. It should be noted that the JCPOA has been criticized for concentrating on Iran’s nuclear program and ambitions without considering Tehran’s terrorist proxies, militias in the region, and also its ballistic missile program.
Prince Turki also alerted against American withdraw from the Middle East, which widens … the existing strategic vacuum that is increasingly coveted by regional and other great powers. But, he said that this increases the appetite of radical states and forces in the region that is disadvantageous to US interests and those of its allies.