
Screens – A real danger for the eyes of children

This omnipresence of screens is not without health risks, especially among the youngest. It can indeed cause them an emotional imbalance, but also serious eye problems.

The dangers of overexposure to screens

Overexposure to screens is a real scourge today. Language delay, anxiety, nervousness, impoverishment of relationships with others or even isolation, many developmental disorders in children are attributed to their excessive use of screens.

This excessive exposure to screens can also have serious repercussions on their eye health.

Indeed, according to a publication of the British newspaper the Daily Mail published on Sunday October 17, “ more and more children suffer from dry eye “.

A pathology that generally affects people between the ages of 50 and 60”and which causes, among other things, tingling, sensitivity to light, itching and a burning sensation.

” When I opened my clinic 15 years ago, no children had this disease “, explained Dr. Sarah Farrant, optometrist and dry eye specialist to the same media. But the situation has changed in the last six years. The same specialist claims to have seen more and more children suffering from dry eye “. ” My youngest patient suffering from this pathology was six years old. No case of this age had been identified before “, she added.

Emphasizing that “dry eyes can cause irreversible damage to the eyes”, and in particular an alteration of the lacrimal glands, this specialist also wanted to warn against the growing use of make-up in the little ones. A practice which, according to her, would also increase the risk of dry eyes in young children.

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