
She went to pull out $20 and found a billion dollars in her account… Where did she come from?

One American woman was shocked when she wanted to withdraw $20 from an ATM and discovered that her account had a balance of close to $1 billion.

When Julia Yonkovsky, of Largo, Florida, examined her bank balance before the draw last Saturday, her receipt showed that $999,985,855.94 was in her bank account, according to the New York Post.

Yonkovsky also told America’s Wfla News that she wanted to return the hefty sum hanging on the bizarre incident : “God, I was horrified. I know most people would have thought they had won the lottery, but I was terrified.”

She added : “I know, I read stories of people who took the money or took some of it, and then had to pay it off, but I won’t do it anyway because it’s not my money.”

Yonkovsky explained : “When I put in 20 dollars, the machine came back and said we were going to give you 20 dollars, but that would cause a drag on the overboard and you would be held accountable and I said, ‘Forget it,'” she said, adding that she has not touched her account since.

So far, she doesn’t know how the money got into her account, but Yonkovsky is working hard to get rid of it by returning it to its owner as soon as possible.

Her bank, Chase, has yet commented on how the error occurred.

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