
“Simple” Ways to Make Your Child Feel Special

Balancing attention among children is a major challenge for parents, as it requires giving each child special attention without making others feel neglected.

This attention boosts the child’s self-esteem and shapes their future identity, while neglecting it may lead to undesirable behaviors later in life, says Dr. Laura Kaufman, a psychologist.

According to Parents, here are 6 simple and effective ways to make your children feel special:

  1. Eye contact

Give your child your full attention when talking to them, and be fully present instead of being distracted by other things.

  1. Daily special time

Spend 10 uninterrupted minutes with each child daily, and let the child choose the activity.

  1. Engaged questions

Instead of general questions, ask your child for details about their day to show genuine interest.

  1. Special traditions

Create simple traditions, such as preparing a meal together or spending time doing favorite activities.

  1. Show affection

A hug or kiss before bedtime can enhance your child’s feeling of love.

  1. Share their interests

Engage in your child’s hobbies and interests to strengthen their sense of support and importance.

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