Solar storms and heart risks: Can they affect your Health?

A solar storm has been heading towards Earth since Monday, July 18, after the Solar eruption which began on July 14.
Solar storms are frequent and can have consequences on our planet, especially on the electrical systems, transformers… but also on our health.
L’magnetic impact caused by this phenomenon would interfere thus directly on the nervous and cardiac system.
In any case, this is demonstrated by a study published by researchers in Boston a few weeks ago in Science.
“A near-immediate effect”
To assess the impact of solar and geomagnetic activity on cardiovascular problems, the researchers followed 809 men aged 74 on average and they performed repeated measurements on their cardiac activity.
And during intense geomagnetic disturbances due to solar storms, researchers have obtained surprising results.
They explain that they observed “an almost immediate effect”. “This is the first study to demonstrate the potential adverse effects of geomagnetic activity on heart rate.”
Data confirming previous work
These results confirm the data from previous work, published in 2019 in the National Library of Medicine.
In this study, the researchers claimed that the electromagnetic disturbances induced by solar activity increased the risk of mortality and risk of cardiovascular problems.
A vast epidemiological study in 263 American cities was then set up to determine the effects of solar storms on deaths, cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks and strokes.
“We found a significant association between solar storms, death and heart problems, but not for stroke.”
The researchers, at the time, specified that it was necessary to supplement the research with other parameters in order to determine “if these human physiological dynamics driven by variations in solar activity can be related to clinical cardiovascular observations“.
More research to come
Research will continue based on this postulate, as stated by Sciences et Avenir. Especially since given the solar cycle, storms of this type will follow one another in the coming months.
It would therefore be interesting to study the phenomenon on women and young people, among others, and to complete the data that already exists.