
Somalia: Al-Chabab terrorist leader surrenders to Somali army

Members of the terrorist organization Al-Chabab are no longer able to continue their movement in the face of the blows of the Somali army, which compels them to turn themselves in in the center and south of the country.

A leader of the al-Chabab terrorist group surrendered Wednesday to the Somali army, according to the official Voice of the Army radio.

Abchar Abdulrahman Abdi surrendered to the Somali army, specifically to the 60th Division based in the southern province of Bey Wahid.

The radio station quoted Abdi as saying that he worked for the terrorist al-Chabab organization for two years as part of a security and preachers organization called Hisba.

The surrendered individual also admitted to having participated in battles against Somali government forces.

He also admitted that the difficult conditions experienced by the terrorist organization and its members forced him to surrender to the army forces.

He stressed that terrorist militias in Somalia are adopting an approach of starving and besieging entire cities in the province from which he comes.

The Government of Somalia pursues a policy of general amnesty for all members of terrorist organizations who lay down arms and surrender themselves, and organizes rehabilitation courses before they are integrated into society.

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