Middle east

Sources: Hassan Nasrallah’s injury is serious and may prevent him from appearing again

Informed sources revealed that the health condition of Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary General of the Lebanese Hezbollah, has deteriorated, forcing him to cancel his speech last week. Despite the assertion by leaders of Hezbollah that he suffers from a minor health problem, the sources confirmed that he has entered the emergency room in a state of deterioration.

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The dispute over the health of the Hezbollah leader caused a media battle between Tehran and Tel Aviv. Israeli reports confirmed that Hassan Nasrallah is suffering greatly, and his health has deteriorated in a way that forced him to stay in the emergency department of a hospital, confirming that his injury was a stroke. Iranian media responded by confirming that Nasrallah suffers only from a minor cold, which prevents him from speaking normally, preferring to receive treatment before the media appearance.

Hassan Nasrallah, 62, was unexpectedly admitted to a hospital in Lebanon on Friday, after his speech, which was scheduled for Friday, was canceled for “health reasons,” according to the party’s media office in a brief statement. The statement confirmed that Nasrallah “was infected with the flu and his speech was canceled, as the injury impedes him from speaking normally and normally”, and that he is “receiving the appropriate treatment.”

Hassan Nasrallah may not return

Informed sources confirmed that Nasrallah’s health is getting worse, forcing Hezbollah leaders to keep quiet. This was especially so given the emergence of demands from activists on social networking sites for a simple video showing Hassan Nasrallah without speaking, but to confirm his safety, which the organization’s leaders rejected.

The sources added that work is underway within Hezbollah to prepare in the event that Nasrallah does not survive his serious injury, especially that doctors confirmed the possibility of completely losing speech or being unable to stand because of a stroke.

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