
‘Stop trying to be TikTok’ – Instagram wants to bet more on videos than on photos!

All users have noticed that the specialized network then in the photo is mutating. The homepage that once displayed the latest snaps of his friends is showing more and more content recommended by the algorithm.

Instagram is also betting everything on Reels, its video format inspired (not to say “copied”) from TikTok and highlights video clips from both friends and completely unknown accounts. You won’t be able to escape it since traditional videos will be Reels in the near future, in order to unify the formats and push them even further on the platform.

These forced changes do not please everyone. Kylie Jenner, the second most followed personality on Instagram, posted a photo asking that the Meta subsidiary reconsider these decisions. “Stop trying to be TikTok, I just want to see pictures of my friends”, she adds in this publication, shared with its 361 million subscribers, then deleted afterwards.

Kylie Jenner’s sister, the no less famous Kim Kardashian, also shared the message with her very large community.

A stroke of blood from Kylie Jenner on her current social network can be devastating for the finances of the latter. Snapchat knows this, having lost $1.3 billion in market capitalization after a simple tweet from the starlet a few years ago.

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