Study – Blood type influences stroke risk

A new American study suggests that the risk of cerebrovascular accident (CVA) in people aged under 60 could be determined by blood type.
Researchers at the University Of Maryland School Of Medicine compared the blood type of individuals who had a stroke at a younger age with the blood type of older people.
The results of the study were published in the “Neurology journal” on Wednesday.
The researchers compiled data from 17,000 stroke patients and 6,000 healthy people who had never had a stroke.
The results revealed that people with blood type A are more likely to have an early stroke than those with blood type O who have the lowest risk.
People with blood type A are 16% more at risk than others, while those with blood type O are 12% less at risk.
“We still don’t know why blood type A would confer a higher risk, but it probably has something to do with blood clotting factors like platelets and the cells that line blood vessels as well as other proteins that all play a role in the development of blood clots,” said neurologist and study co-author Steven J. Kittner in a statement.
A University of Calgary neurology professor, Michael Hill, told CTV News, however, that people shouldn’t be concerned about the recent study, since other factors like genetics and lifestyle have greater impact on strokes.
According to Health Canada, nearly 878,500 Canadians over the age of 20 have suffered a stroke, and a quarter of them were under the age of 65.