Stunning discovery on the moon: Cave may be suitable for future astronauts

Scientists have confirmed the presence of a cave on the Moon‘s surface, suspecting the existence of hundreds of other caves that could potentially house astronauts in the future.
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According to the scientists, the cave is not far from the spot where Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed 55 years ago.
A team of scientists led by Italy reported evidence of a large cave accessible from the deepest known crater on the Moon‘s surface, located in the Sea of Tranquility, just 250 miles “400 km” from the Apollo 11 landing site. The crater, like more than 200 others discovered there, appeared as a result of the collapse of a lava tube.
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Researchers analyzed radar measurements taken by a NASA lunar reconnaissance orbiter and compared the results with lava tubes on Earth. Their findings were published in the journal “Nature Astronomy”.