
Sudan Expects to urge Relief on External Debt Worth $45 Billion

Sudan is seeking relief on quite $50 billion in external debt as creditors exert efforts to push the method forward.

Prime Minister Abdala Hamdok announced that Sudan has made understandings with the Paris Club creditors, of whom France, Austria, and therefore the us are the most important , and is awaiting the ultimate decision on clearing its arrears to the International fund (IMF).

Hamdok said Sudan will fulfill all the obligations and conditions that qualify it for the IMF and World Bank’s Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC).

Speaking at a news conference at Khartoum Airport after his return from Paris, Hamdok announced that the creditors could cancel $45 billion of Sudan’s foreign debt.

Saudi Arabia has pledged to steer coordination between the creditor countries, consistent with Hamdok, who emphasized that the Paris conference represents Sudan’s return to the international community and constitutes a milestone on the country’s transition to democracy.

Hamdok revealed that Sudan is negotiating with Airbus regarding the aviation industry in Sudan, which might qualify the national carrier “Sudanair” to regain its position within the region.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of Sudan’s Sovereignty Council Lt-Gen Abdel Fattah al-Burhan affirmed that the partnership with civilians during the present transitional period will continue which the military will retire from politics after the overall elections.

Burhan met with senior officers in Khartoum, saying that rumors about army officers only seek to destabilize the soldiers.

Recent reports on social media claimed that army officers are complaining that 99 military personnel were mentioned the general public Prosecution on charges of killing two young men during the peaceful sit-in commemorating the second anniversary of the crackdown on the Ramadan 2019 protest.

Burhan asserted that things is in check , without going into details.

He explained the important role of the soldiers in confronting threats that focus on territorial integrity and undermine national security, indicating that “the soldiers won’t renounce an in. of Sudan’s territory”.

The Chief of Staff Muhammad Othman al-Hussein received the Russian Deputy Defense Minister Colonel General Alexander Fomin and his accompanying delegation.

The military media said during a statement that the meeting touched on developing bilateral relations between the soldiers.

Fomin lauded the cooperation between the 2 armies and therefore the historic relations between the 2 countries.

Khartoum had suspended military agreements with Moscow, however, the latter denied receiving a politician message about the alleged suspension.

According to the agreement, the bottom would reportedly be constructed near the Sudanese Navy’s main base at Flamingo Bay, which is situated north of Port Sudan , the country’s main port city on the Red Sea .

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