
Sudanese analyst: The main objective of the Muslim Brotherhood is to gain power

Using the current conflict situation, the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group in Sudan is attempting to seize power once again by carrying out a new coup against the current government, represented in the Sovereign Council, after years of political exclusion and popular ostracism since the fall of the regime of Omar Al-Bashir in 2019, and the subsequent security prosecution and judicial trials of members of the organization convicted of terrorism and corruption.
Congregation Movements
A recent study by the Trend Research and Consulting Center reviewed the Brotherhood’s current moves to implement a soft coup against the current authority and to regain power in light of the continuing escalation between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces.
The Brotherhood’s Plan
Sudanese analyst and writer, Mohamed Al-Tayeb, said that the Brotherhood is the one dragging the situation in the country to war, to abort the framework agreement and the political process that leads eventually to a civil government, and the departure of the military from power and to practice politics, pointing out that no one in Sudan has any interest in the war other than the remnants of the former regime in order to block the road to democratic transition and the dismantling of the structure of their organization within the civil and military institutions of the state.
The Sudanese analyst added that the main objective of the Brotherhood organization is to be in power by creating a chaotic situation in Sudan so that they can enjoy the privileges they obtained and to ensure that their members are not held accountable for the crimes they committed during their rule, but in his estimation things will not go as Al-Bashir’s supporters wish, because despite the war, the will of the Sudanese people will prevail.

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